1. 入管の申請をサポート                       Support with immigration applications.

 申請取次行政書士が入管の申請をサポートします。観光、ビジネス、学生、家族、永住権など、異なるタイプのビザ申請に関して包括的なサポートを提供します。 外国籍の方々の在留手続のサポートを通して、安心して活き活きと働く環境作りに貢献していきます。

A designated administrative scrivener will support immigration applications, providing comprehensive assistance for various types of visa applications such as tourism, business, student, family, and permanent residency. Through support in residence procedures for foreign nationals, we aim to contribute to the creation of a secure and vibrant working environment, allowing individuals to work with peace of mind."



ご契約までの流れ  Flow until Contract









(1) Inquiry via Phone or Website

(2) Consultation Meeting We also offer on-site and online consultations.

(3) Payment of Fees and Contract Signing We collect fees at the commencement of our services.

(4) Document Preparation, Verification, and Signing

(5) Application to the Immigration Control Bureau

(6) Obtaining Approval